For a more in-depth look at the cost of implementation, view the invited commentary by Mr. Gerald R. Williams, a leader in the education field.
Calling All Behavior Analysts
In need of BACB® CEUs?
We now offer Type II courses online. The re-certification/renewal deadline is coming quick–don’t delay!
Implementation Scientists, LLC Officially Turns 3!
Thank you for the opportunities!
With Gratitude
We are grateful to work with so many people who are making our world a better place.
Learn about our amazing clients and partners!
Photo Source: Xoombi
Implementation Scientists, LLC website content by Dr. Michelle A Duda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at Implementation Scientists, LLC.
Implementation Scientists, LLC is Going to School!
Implementation Scientists, LLC is going to School…
…the School of Behavior Happens!
E-courses with coaching to actually help your “behaviors happen.”
Check back soon or contact us to get a sneak peak of the courses you can actually use to improve your practice or your life.
Implementation Scientists, LLC website content by Dr. Michelle A Duda is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at Implementation Scientists, LLC.